Tips About Lawn Care

Caring for a lawn can be a daunting task for new homeowners. But with some time and effort, anyone can achieve a healthy green lawn.

A few important tips to get started include watering deeply (a weekly soaking is better than frequent shallow waterings), overseeding to thicken thin lawns, and mowing high enough to prevent weed invasion. Seeking the help of Lawn Care Harrisburg PA professionals makes everything easier.

lawn care


Grass is an important part of any landscape, but many homeowners don’t know how to properly mow their yard. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is cutting their lawns too short. While most of us like a nice, green lawn, mowing too short can stress the grass. This can lead to yellowing and other lawn issues.

It’s also important to change your mowing pattern often. This will prevent your lawn from becoming rutted by tire tracks, and it will encourage a more dense turf. It’s recommended to change the direction that you mow every two or three cuts. This will help reduce soil compaction, control creeping grass runners, and lessen thatch development.

Another tip is to always be on the lookout for weeds and other lawn problems. If you see a problem, address it right away. Otherwise, it can become a much bigger issue later on. For instance, if you notice that your lawn has a lot of dead spots, contact your local lawn care company right away.

The last tip is to mow when the conditions are right. Sticking to a set schedule can damage your lawn, as the grass may not be ready for a cut at the time you are mowing. Instead, watch the grass for signs that it needs to be mowed and then adjust your schedule accordingly.

It’s also important to bag or sweep up your clippings. This will help keep them from washing into storm drains, where they can cause clogs and eventually end up in rivers and lakes to contribute to phosphorus pollution. It’s best to do this as you are mowing, but you can also do it afterward with a leaf blower or broom. It’s also a good idea to wear safety equipment when mowing, such as gloves and sunglasses, to protect yourself from flying debris. This will also help you stay more focused on the task at hand and avoid any accidents. Lastly, it’s recommended to use a sharp blade and to always check that the mower is working correctly before using it.


A lawn that’s properly watered promotes healthy grass and reduces the occurrence of pests and diseases. But knowing how often and how long to water your lawn can be tricky. Overwatering weakens the turf, increasing the risk of disease and insect infestation. Overwatering also encourages stormwater runoff and can increase your water bills.

The best time to water a lawn is early in the day. Watering at this cool time of day minimizes the loss of water to evapotranspiration and maximizes the amount of moisture that reaches the roots. Watering in the evening, on the other hand, can promote lawn diseases. The wet conditions created by nighttime watering are inviting to fungal diseases like brown patches and dollar spots.

During periods of extreme drought, follow any city or county water restrictions and use only the amount of water needed to keep your yard alive. This will prevent damage to the lawn and reduce your reliance on local water supplies.

When it comes to watering, there are many different methods and approaches. The common wisdom is that a lawn needs about an inch of water a week. One method is to set up a plastic pie pan or tuna fish can in the yard and watch how long it takes for the soil to fill half an inch of water. Another method is to simply set a sprinkler on your lawn and let it run for about 20 minutes three times per week.

If you don’t have a moisture meter, you can test for soil moisture by pushing a screwdriver into the ground. If the soil feels easy to push into, it has sufficient moisture. If the soil is hard to push into, it requires more water.

When aerating your lawn, water it well the day before or wait for a rain shower. The soil must be moist for aerators to penetrate and loosen thatch. Avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot and fungal diseases.


The grass is greener on the other side, and it can be tempting to envy the lush lawns that your neighbors have. However, you can have a beautiful lawn that is a source of pride for your property as well with proper maintenance and care. To do this, you should fertilize your lawn with the correct type of products and at the right time.

There are a variety of lawn fertilizers available at your local hardware store, including organic and inorganic products. Organic fertilizers are derived from plant or animal sources and are less likely to burn your lawn. Inorganic fertilizers are made from synthetic chemicals and typically have a higher concentration of nutrients.

When it comes to selecting the correct type of fertilizer for your lawn, you should base your decision on the results of a soil test. These tests can determine the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N-P-K) in your soil, which are essential to the growth and health of your lawn. You can purchase an at-home soil test kit, but sending a sample to a lab will give you the most accurate results.

Choosing the right fertilizer is one thing, but how you apply it is just as important. Lawn experts usually recommend using a drop spreader or backpack sprayer to ensure even distribution. They also suggest watering the lawn after fertilizing to allow the grass to absorb the nutrients and prevent scorching. Finally, they recommend avoiding fertilizing your lawn right before it rains, as the rain will wash away any excess fertilizer.

It’s important to remember that the health of your lawn requires regular checkups and care. Watching for weeds and disease can help you spot problems early, and a regular program of seeding or overseeding can fill in thin or bare areas. The most important thing is to be consistent with your care, and you’ll soon have a healthy lawn that will rival your neighbors’.


Weeds are a lawn’s worst enemy. They steal nutrients from grass, crowd out desirable plants, and can even attract parasites and lawn-damaging insects. The good news is that with the right strategies, you can banish weeds from your yard and keep them from returning year after year.

If you catch weeds in their earliest stages, when they are still young and have small roots, you can simply pull them out by hand. This is an effective approach if you have a relatively small amount of weeds to deal with and can be especially useful if you are worried about contaminating the soil with man-made chemicals.

However, if you have a large amount of weeds to deal with or you missed the window during spring when you could use pre-emergent herbicide, it may be necessary to resort to chemical control. In these cases, it’s important to choose the best product for your needs and apply it correctly. Read the instructions on the label carefully and apply it only when rain is not expected for 24 to 48 hours, as rain can wash the chemicals off of the grass before they have a chance to work.

You should also avoid applying weed killer in the wind, as the spray may drift and damage the grass on your property. It’s also a good idea to avoid applying weed killer during drought conditions, as this can cause the same problems as water stress.

Weeds thrive in compacted or nutrient-deprived soil and in grass that is overwatered or cut too short. Taking steps to improve the health of your lawn and reduce weeds is crucial for achieving the lush green landscape that most homeowners dream about.

With the proper strategy, you can transform your weed-ridden yard into a beautiful, healthy, green sward of turfgrass that is the envy of the neighborhood. Start by identifying the underlying issues in your yard that are allowing weeds to take over, then follow the tips above to create an efficient, effective weed control program. Over time, you will enjoy the kind of green yard that most people only dream about.
